
Organizational Outline of the STUF United Fund Inc.(Chinese10/31/2015, Bilingual 11/18/19)

第一章 總則

1.1 本組織綱要係依据世界台灣商會聯合總會(以下簡稱為世總或WTCC)章程第七章第
1.1 This Organizational Outline is established in accordance with the Article 45, Chapter 7 of the Charters of the World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce (hereinafter as “WTCC”).
1.2 本會定名為『世台聯合基金會』(以下簡稱為本會或世台),英文原名為: Shi-Tai United Fund Inc., 更改為:STUF United Fund Inc., 簡稱為 (STUF).
1.2 The foundation is named “STUF United Fund Inc.” (hereinafter as the “the Foundation” or “STUF”). The original English name, Shi-Tai United Fund Inc., shall now be STUF United Fund Inc., henceforth abbreviated as “STUF”.
1.3 本會係由世界台灣商會聯合總會(WTCC)授權北美洲台灣商會聯合總會(以下簡稱為 北美總會或TCCNA)在美國紐約州登記的非營利組織,取得美國聯邦國稅局認定為符
合美國聯邦稅法IRC 501-C-3 的非營利社會公益免稅機構.
1.3 The Foundation is authorized by the World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce (WTCC) and the Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce of North America (hereinafter called TCCNA), to register in the State of New York of the United States as a not-for-profit organization and is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service of the United States as a 501(c)(3) notfor- profit public charity organization.
1.4 本會會徽如附圖
1.4 The Foundation’s emblem is as the image.

第二章 宗旨

2.1 本會宗旨如下:
a) 依據聯合國(UN)全球企業盟約(Global Compact),提升國際企業界對社會之責任。
b) 為會員所在之社區提供慈善救濟、教育及文化發展、環境保護及公共衛生等社會公 益活動的規劃與資源。在公共衛生方面, 世台聯合基金會與提供公共衛生的非盈利 組織建立聯盟, 為其所進行之公共衛生計劃提供財務支持。
c) 鼓勵青年参與社會公益活動,加入世界公民組織。
d) 在以上所述之宗旨領域盡力而為。在非盈利公司法第五章所允准的範圍外, 不得為其會員、董監事或行政人員謀取個人福利。
2.1 The purposes for which the foundation is formed are:
a) To promote social responsibility in international enterprises as developed and espoused by the United Nation’s Global Compact.
b) To provide charitable relief, educational and cultural development, environmental protection and public health to the members’ respective communities. For the purpose to provide public health, STUF United Fund Inc. establishes affiliation with nonprofit organization involving in public health programs, and provides financial support to assist them in their causes.
c) To encourage youth involvement with community service programs and global citizens organization.
d) To do any other act or thing incidental to or connected with the forgoing purposes or in advancement thereof, but not for the pecuniary profit or financial gain of its members, directors or officers, except as permitted under Article 5 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law.

第三章 會員

3.1 本會會員分為組織會員及贊助會員。
3.1 There are two types of members of the Foundation: the Organizational Member and Sponsor Members.
3.2 北美洲台灣商會聯合總會 (TCCNA) 為本會之組織會員。
3.2 The TCCNA is the Organizational Member of the Foundation.
3.3 隸屬北美洲台灣商會聯合總會之各地區台灣商會及其所屬會員皆為本會之贊助會員。
3.3 Regional Chambers under the TCCNA and its members are thereby sponsor members of the foundation.
3.4 任何個人, 社團組織, 公司行號, 基金會等認同本會宗旨, 願意贊助参與本會活動, 或與本會合作者, 皆可成為本會之贊助會員。
3.4 Any individual, association, corporation, foundation that agrees with the mission of thefoundation, and is willing to sponsor and participate in the activities of the foundation or collaborate with the foundation, may become a sponsor member of the foundation.
3.5 本會組織會員之權利義務:
1. 通過本會的組織綱要及任何修正案.
2. 依照本會組織綱要指派法人代表担任本會董監事.
3. 依照本會組織綱要所訂財務規則交納年度會費.
4. 於組織會員之年會及理監事會中聽取本會年度計劃及財務預算等報告.
5. 要求本會提報該年度董監事及執行董事/行政幹部名册.
6. 於組織會員之年會及期中理監事會前安排至少两小時之時段及場地給世台召開董監 事聯席會議,且將此時段列入大會日程表.
3.5 The Organizational Member has the following Rights and Duties:
1. Approving the organizational outline and amendments thereof.
2. Appointing corporate representatives to serve as foundation directors and supervisors.
3. Submitting the annual due to the foundation according to the financial regulations complied with this organizational outline.
4. To summon foundation for annual work schedules, budgets, and other reports before the annual and midterm meetings of the organizational member and its Directory and Supervisory Boards.
5. Requesting the Foundation for its Directory and Supervisory Boards members list and the Executive Directors/Administrative Staff in the current year.
6. Arranging at least two hours and a venue for STUF to convene with its joint Directory andSupervisory Board Meetings at TCCNA Annual Meeting and Mid-year Board Meeting accordingly and list the schedule on its conference program sheet.
3.6 贊助會員對本會沒有義務,但有權利贊助並参與本會社會公益活動。
3.6 Sponsor Members have no obligations to the Foundation but are entitled to sponsor and participate in the public charitable activities organized by the Foundation.

第四章 董事會

4.1 董事會為本會之最高權責機構。董事會人數至少十一位, 至多三十五位。 本會董事為無給職之義工. 董事任期由董事會訂定章程規範之。
4.1 The institution with supreme executive authority of the Foundation is the Board ofDirectors. The number of Directors on the Board should be no less than 11 and no more than 35. The Term of Director shall be complied with the Bylaw established by the Board of Directors.
4.2 本屆及前一屆的北美洲台灣商會聯合總會總會長為本會當然董事,惟其任期依 總會長之任期及人事更換而定.非當然董事之資格有二: ( 1 ) 本人或配偶必須 是本會組織會員(T C C N A ) 現任理監事以上之人員, 認同本會宗旨且願意依 第7 . 1 – 2 條所定承擔本會特定財務認捐者; 或( 2 ) 對本會有特殊貢獻 之非T C C N A 成員, 經至少五位董監事推舉者. 非當然董事之任命由董事
會訂定組織章程規範之. 本會董事為本會担保法定債務者,法定債務未還清前,其董 事職位非經本人書面同意不得取消.
4.2 The TCCNA President in office and the former president of the previous year are Elected Directors of the Foundation, though the Term of Elected Directors complies with the Term of the President in office and personnel change thereof. Candidacy of Non-Elected Directors are divided into two types: (1) Current Directors, Supervisors or higher ranked personnel of TCCNA, or their spouse, who agree with the Mission of the Foundation and are willing to assume certain financial obligations as outlined in Section 7.1-2 of this Organizational Outline for the Foundation by donation; or (2) non-TCCNA members whoare with special contribution to the Foundation and are recommended by at least five Directors and/or Supervisors. Appointment of Non-Elected Directors shall comply with the Organizational Bylaw established by the Board of Directors. Directors who guarantee any legal debts for the Foundation shall not be removed from directorship before such
guaranteed legal debts are paid off, unless written consent is submitted by said director.
4.3 董事會除決定本會之發展方針外,有如下之職權:
1 . 訂定, 修改本會組織綱要提交組織會員之理監事會審核通過.
2 . 依据本會組織綱要訂定, 修改本會章程,財務管理, 人事管理, 公益活動施行細則 及章程施行細則等法規.
3 . 選舉董事長及監事長.
4 . 聘任執行長, 財務長及秘書長等行政幹部.
5 . 通過執行長所提之人事, 薪資及年度工作計劃.
6 . 通過年度收支預算案及各項議決案.
7 . 通過設定附屬機構, 及解散附屬機構.
8 . 推選代表本會出席其他世界性公益組織之大使.
9 . 聘請專業人士處理有關法律, 税務, 財務, 投資及保險等問題.
10. 通過購置不動產, 變賣不動產.
11. 擔保本會之法定債務及設定抵押貸款.
1 2 . 完成上屆董事會應盡未盡之職責.
4.3 The Board of Directors determines the developmental policies of the Foundation, and also has the following authorities:
1. To establish and amend the Organizational Outline of the Foundation, and to submit it to the Directory and Supervisory Boards of Organizational Member for review and ratification.
2. To establish and amend the Bylaws of the Foundation, the regulations governing the management of finances, the management of personnel affairs, the execution protocol of public benefit activities, and the execution protocol of the bylaws according to the Organizational Outline of the Foundation.
3. To elect the Chairperson of the Board of Directors and the Chairperson of the Board of Supervisors.
4. To hire the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, the Secretary-General, and other Administrative Officers.
5. To approve the personnel, wages, and annual projects agenda proposed by the Chief Executive Officer.
6. To approve the Annual Budget and any Resolutions.
7. To approve and arrange for subsidiary organizations, and to dissolve subsidiary organizations.
8. To delegate ambassadors to represent the Foundation in the attendance of other global public benefit organization events.
9. To hire qualified professionals to handle legal, taxation, financial, investment and insurance related matters.
10. To approve the acquisition and sale of real estate.
11. To guarantee the legal liabilities of the Foundation and setting mortgage loans.
12. To address business or issues left unresolved by the previous Board of Directors.
4.4 董事會得禮聘對世總,組織會員或世台有傑出貢獻者或社會賢達人仕担任各種榮譽 職位, 以表彰其對世總,組織會員或世台之貢獻,協助本會發展慈善公益活動.其憐
4.4 The Board of Directors may grant various honorary titles to individuals with distinguished contributions to WTCC, the organizational member or STUF, to honor their contribution to WTCC, the Organizational Member or STUF, to facilitate the development of public benefit activities of the Foundation. The Board of Directors shall specify the details regarding how to grant the honorary titles.
4.5 本會得設見習董事, 以培養對發展慈善公益事業有興趣的台灣商會青商會員. 其憐 選辦法由董事會訂定之
4.5 The Foundation may grant the associate directorship for cultivating members of the WTCCJC who are interested in charitable public benefit activities. The Board of Directors shall specify the details regarding Associate Directorship.

第五章 董事長

5.1 董事長之職權如下:
1 ) 召開董事會之例行或臨時會議.
2 ) 對外代表本會並出席組織會員之年會及理監事會.
3 ) 附署執行長所提給組織會員之本會年度計劃及財務預算等報告.
4 ) 提名秘書長人選.
5.1 The Chairperson has the following Duties:
1) Convening a General or Special Board Meeting.
2) Representing the Foundation and attend the Organizational Member’s annual and board meetings.
3) Co-signing the annual project schedule, budget, and other reports presented by the Chief Executive Officer.
4) Nominating the candidate for the Secretary-General.
5.2 董事長之資格與承諾:
1) 董事長必需為本會董事, 其本人必需具有本會組織會員(T C C N A ) 現任諮詢 委員或顧問以上之資格且具有本會登記所在地之國籍.
2) 董事長對本會財務贊助必需超過本會董事之平均贊助額.
3) 董事長對本會宗旨必需認同, 對本會社會公益活動有相當参與.
4 ) 董事長不得有任何犯罪記錄 ( 駕車違規除外) . 若董事會或組織會員質疑, 董事 長必需提出相關資料以備查詢.
5.2 Qualifications and Pledges of the Chairperson:
1) The Chairperson must be a Director of the Foundation and a current advisory committee member or consultant or higher ranked personnel of TCCNA and hold citizenship in the nation in which the Foundation is registered.
2) The Chairperson must donate in an amount higher than the average amount of the Directors.
3) The Chairperson must agree with the Mission of the Foundation and participate substantially in the public charitable activities.
4) The Chairperson must have no criminal records (exempting traffic violations). If questioned by the Board of Directors or the Organization Member, the Chairperson must present relevant documentation for their review.
5.3 董事長之任命由董事會訂定章程規範之.
5.3 The Appointment of the Chairperson shall comply with the Bylaws established by the Board of Directors.

第六章 監事會

6.1 監事會為本會最高監察機構, 監事會由三名監事組成, 監事及其眷 屬配偶不得兼任董事. 監事任期與董事同, 連選得連任. 監事為無給 職之義工.
6.1 The institution of the supreme supervisory of the Foundation is the Board of Supervisors.mThe Supervisory Board consists of three Supervisors. The Supervisors and their spouse should not serve as a Director during their Term of Supervisor. The Term of Supervisor is the same as the Term of Director and may be consecutive if re-elected. A Supervisor is a non-paid voluntary position.
6.2 監事長由上屆董事會於任期結束前最後一次董事會選出, 監事長必 需具有本會組織會員之顧問以上職位者,且不得與董事長隸屬同一地區商會; 其餘二名監事分別由組織會員監事會及北美洲台灣商會聯合總會顧問 委員會選出. 其候選人必需具有組織會員監事或北美洲總會顧問之職 位.
6.2 The Chief Supervisor should be elected upon the last Board of Director’s Meeting before the end of the previous Term, and the Chief Supervisor must serve as a Advisor or a higher ranked personnel of the Organizational Member, and the Chief Supervisor should not be from the same regional Chamber from which the Chairperson is. The other Supervisors should be elected separately from the Supervisory Board of the Organizational Member and the Advisory Committee of the TCCNA. The Candidates must serve as a Supervisor of the Organizational Member or an Advisor of TCCNA accordingly.
6.3 監事會之職責:
1. 負責審查本會財務帳目. 經至少三分之二監事同意得向董事會或組 織會員檢舉任何不合本會組織綱要,章程或觸犯有關法律規章之事項.
2. 聘請獨立會計師 ( I n d e p e n d e n t A u d i t o r ) 審計本會財務報表.惟 審計費預算案需經董事會通過.
6.3 Duties of the Supervisory Board:
1. Reviewing the Financial Documents of the Foundation. Upon consensus by at least twothirds of the Supervisors, the Supervisory Board may report on any events that are against the Organizational Outline or Bylaws or that breach the laws.
2 . Hiring an Independent Auditor to audit the Financial Reports of the Foundation. The budget for hiring an Independent Auditor shall be approved upon the Board of Directors’ Meeting.
6.4 監事會之審查稽核等細則由董事會訂定章程規範之.
6.4 Review, inspection, and other details are to comply with the Bylaws established by the Board of Directors.

第七章 財務規則及會計年度

7.1 會費:
1. 本會組織會員每年應繳納之會費金額及來源由組織會員決定之.惟會費金額不得低於

7.1-2 條所訂董事每年贊助會費.若組織會員未決定,則每年會費與本會董事每年 應繳納之贊助會費相同,由組織會員之公積金支付.
2. 本會董事每年應繳納之贊助會費由董事會會議決定之。
7.1 Membership Fee:
1. The Organizational Member decides the amount and source of the Required Annual Membership Fee. Though the amount should not be lower than the Director’s Annual Sponsor Membership Fee stipulated in Section 7.1-2. In an event when the Organizational Member fails to decide, an amount equal to the Director’s Annual Sponsor Membership Fee should be paid from its Official Reserve Fund.
2. The amount of the Director’s Annual Sponsor Membership Fee is subject to the decision made by the Board of Directors’ Meeting.
7.2 本會接受會員及外界之捐贈或補助,供本會各項公益活動之經費, 所有捐贈或補助 可依据美國聯邦稅務法規抵免美國聯邦所得稅.本會行政管理及募款開支等費用不 得超過年度總收入的十分之一, 超過之費用由本會董事平均分担或負責勸募. 董事 會得設立專職員工薪津福利基金,由董事勸募以支付專職員工部分薪津福利,由此基 金支付之專職員工薪津福利得不列入以上本會行政管理及募款開支費用不得超過年 度總收入的十分之一之計算.
7.2 The Foundation accepts Donations or Subsidies from Members and Non-Members as funding for all charitable activities of the Foundation, and all Donations or Subsidies may be exempted from the United States Federal income tax according to the federal tax regulations of the United States. The amount of Administration and Fundraising Expenses should not exceed one-tenth of the Annual Revenue of the Foundation. An excessive amount should be allocated between the Directors or covered by the fund raised by the Directors. The Board of Directors may set up Special Benefit Fund for the full time staffs’ partial payroll and benefit such fund shall be raised by the board members, and shall be excluded from the total cost of Administration and fundraising expenses for the purpose of calculating such one tenth limitation as specified above.
7.3 本會收入應出具收據給捐贈者,並應全部存入本會之銀行帳戶,由董事長,執行長,財 務長等三人,為本會授權簽署人,如果一人兼任以上任何两個職位者,或任何職位出 缺,或因故辭職或不能履行職務時,由董事會推派另一位董事為授權簽署人.壹仟美 元(含)以上之支票必須由上述任何兩人連署,方屬有效,同時更須有正式收據,方可 開出支票。
7.3 The Foundation should issue Receipts to Donors for their Donations, and any income should be deposited to the Foundation’s Bank Account. The Chairperson, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer are the authorized Signers of the Foundation; if any of them serves on more than one position, or if any of the position is in vacancy, or any person resigned or incapable to execute his/her duties, the Board of Directors should appoint one of the Directors as an authorized signer. A check of USD1000 or above shall be valid with any two of the signers, no check may be issued without an official receipt from the beneficiary party.
7.4 本會所有物業俱是十方人士捐資購置及興建, 作為公益慈善事業, 舉辦社會福利活 動及本會行政管理之用, 非經董事會至少三分之二同意, 任何人士不得將其抵押貸 款, 更不得將其變賣。
7.4 All Properties of the Foundation are purchased and established through donations from all over the world and are used for charitable and philanthropical operations, social welfare activities, and administrative works of the Foundation. No one may put the Properties on a Mortgage Loan or Sale unless upon consensus by at least two-thirds of the Board of Directors.
7.5 任何人士利用本會向會員或對外界募款, 籌辦任何公益活動, 買賣物品等, 均應事前向董事長及執行長取得兩人之書面許可且由財務長立案後方得進行, 並應將所收
款項直接繳交財務組, 一切開支亦應統一由財務組支付, 不得自行承辦。
7.5 Anyone who intends to initiate a fundraiser toward the Members or Non-Members,organize a charitable event, buy or sell goods in the name of the Foundation should acquire written permission from both the Chairperson and the Chief Executive Officer and a filing from the Chief Financial Officer beforehand. In such an event, all Funds collected should be deposited to the Finance Section, and all expenses should be paid by the Finance Section. No receipts or payments should be made from any party other than the Finance Section.
7.6 本會財務支出只限於慈善救濟, 文化教育, 環保公衛及全球企業盟約等社會公益活 動及本會行政管理及募款開支等費用.本會不得贊助任何政治人物之選舉, 不得贊 助任何政黨及任何宗教團體.本會不得違反本會登記所在地之國家對非營利慈善機 構所訂之法律規則.
7.6 The Foundation’s financial expenses are limited to charitable activities such as DisasterRelief, Cultural and Educational Development, Environmental Protection and Public Health, and the UN Global Compact, as well as the Administrative and Fundraising costsof the Foundation. The Foundation may not sponsor any political campaign for politicians, political party or religious groups. The Foundation may not violate laws or regulations in the location where the Foundation is registered.
7.7 本會年度報告書(Annual Report),審計過的財務報表(Audited Financial Statements)及美國聯邦稅表申報(Form 990 Schedule B 除外)必需公開於本會網 路網頁.本會財務報表必需經過獨立會計師(Independent Auditor)審計.
7.7 The Annual Report, Audited Financial Statements and Form 990 (exclusive of Schedule
B), must be released on the official website of the Foundation. Financial Reports of the Foundation must be audited by an Independent Auditor.
7.8 本會會計年度由董事會訂定之.
7.8 The Fiscal Year of the Foundation shall be stipulated by the Board of Directors.

第八章 行政幹部及工作委員會

本會董事會得依据本會組織綱要訂定章程以規範執行長,財務長,秘書長,專職行政幹部及 工作委員會之職權,任命,任期等細則.
The Board of Directors may stipulate Bylaws to govern the Duties, Appointments and Terms, and other details for the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Secretary-General, Full Time Administrative Officers, and Working Committees according to this Organizational Outline.

第九 章 附屬機構

The Board of Directors may stipulate Bylaws to govern the Establishment, Administration, and Dissolution of Subsidiaries of the Foundation.

第十章 會議

本會董監事會例行會議每年至少三次, 其日期配合世界台灣商會聯合總會及北美洲 台灣商會聯合總會之理監事會議.會議規則由董事會訂定章程規範之.
The Directory and Supervisory Boards should have at least three times of General Meetings. The Dates should comply with the Dates of the WTCC and the TCCNA Directory and Supervisory Board Meetings. The Rules and Procedures should comply with the Bylaws established by the Board of Directors.

第十一章 組織綱要的修改

1 . 由三分之一董事聯署後, 本會法規委員會需擬議組織綱要修改案, 提到董事 會表決, 得到三分之二董事通過後;
2 . 呈報組織會員理監事會通過後實施.
The Amendment of this Organizational Outline shall take effect after the following procedures have been executed:
1. At least one-third of the Directors make a jointly-signed request, and then the Laws & Regulations Committee needs to draft the proposal for amendment to be presented to the Board of Directors for a vote and is approved by a two-thirds vote of the Directors.
2 . The above shall be presented to the Directory and Supervisory Boards of the Organizational Member for approval to be effective.

第十二章 解散後資產之歸屬

本會所有的資產, 在組織解散時, 應先償還本會之債務, 但不得退還任何人 之捐款. 任何剩餘的資產由董事會至少三分之二決定轉讓給中華民國- 台灣 ( R e p u b l i c o f C h i n a – T a i w a n ) , 美利堅合眾國 ( U n i t e d S t a t e s o f A m e r i c a ) , 紐約州 ( S t a t e o f N e w Y o r k ) , 或其他符合美國稅 法5 0 1 ( C ) ( 3 ) 之慈善, 教育等類似非營利機構. 若董事會不能處置時, 由本會註冊所在地的紐約州法院裁決之.
Upon the Dissolution of the Foundation, All the Properties shall be used for making payments of Debts of the Foundation, but no donations may be returned. Any residual properties will be disposed to the Republic of China-Taiwan, the United States of America, the State of New York or
other non-profit charitable or educational organizations that are similar to a 501(c) (3) organization upon consensus by at least two-thirds of the Board of Directors. If the Board of Directors fails to deal with the case, the disposal shall be subjected to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of New York.

第十三章 董監事, 行政幹部,職員或其他代表之補償

13.1 本會董監事皆為無給職, 董事會得依實際需要補貼董監事車馬費。本會需負擔董監 事為本會所支出之實際開銷。
13.1 Directors and Supervisors are non-paid positions, and the Board of Directors may compensate the Directors and Supervisors according to actual expenses. The Foundation should reimburse the actual expenses incurred on behalf of the Foundation.
13.2 對現任或已離職的董監事, 行政幹部, 職員或其他代表, 因代表本會所引發之法律 訴訟, 本會須對此人為此事件實際支出之合理費用予以補償。若其法律訴訟牽涉個
13.2 Any Directors, Supervisors, Administrative Officers, Staff or other Representatives, in office or former, who are in litigation for their Service, should be compensated by the Foundation for a reasonable expense they spend on litigation. In an event when the litigation is caused by their personal illegal actions, the Foundation will not be responsible.
13.3 董事會得替本會代理人 (董監事, 行政幹部, 膱員或其他代表) 購買責任保險, 以 保障作為本會代理人身份時所發生之責任問題。但因私自交易或非法行為所產生之
13.3 The Board of Directors may purchase Liability Insurance for the Foundation Agents, such as the Directors, the Supervisors, the Administrative Officers, the Staff Members, or other Representatives, to cover the liabilities caused by operations for the Foundation. However, the Foundation will not be liable for any claims or litigations arising from private transactions or illegal activities.

第十四章 利益衝突及公開透明條約
CHAPTER FOURTEEN: CONFLICT OF INTEREST & TRANSPARENT POLICY14.1 本會董監事,執行長,財務長,秘書長,專職行政幹部,工作委員會召集人及委員對於 與其有利益衝突之議案必需主動告知且不得參與討論及表決.
14.1 Upon an event of Conflict of Interest, the Directors, Supervisors, Chief Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer, Secretary-General, Full-time Administrative Officers, and Conveners and Members of Working Committees of the Foundation must declare and withdraw from any relevant discussions and votes.
14.2 本會董監事之家属成員不得同時擔任本會董監事.董事長之眷屬不得對本會董監事, 執行長,財務長,秘書長,專職行政幹部,工作委員會召集人及委員發佈指示或代表董 事長連 以上人員.若該眷屬具有本會章程所訂之職位者, 其依章程行使之職權不 受此限;若該眷屬經董事會授權時亦不受此限.
14.2 Family and Relatives of the Directors and Supervisors of the Foundation should not serve on the Directory or Supervisory Board. Family Members of the Chairperson should not instruct or contact the Directors, Supervisors, Chief Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer, Secretary-General, Full-time Administrative Officers and Conveners, and Members of Working Committees of the Foundation on behave of the Chairperson. However, if a Family Member holds a position of the Foundation that is established by these Bylaws, the exercising of authority is not subject to this limitation; nor would this limitation apply if the Family Member received authorization from the Board of Directors.
14.3 本會組織會員及贊助會員對董事會之任何議決案可以要求聽証或提出書面意見;董 事會對議決案有關係之對象必需至少於七日前給予通告並給予機會要求聽証或提 出書面意見.
14.3 For any Resolution of the Board of Directors, the Organizational Member and Sponsor Members may request to audit or submit their written opinion; the Board of Directors must inform the parties relevant to the Resolution at least seven days prior to the due date of Board Meeting and allow requests for an audit or submission of a written opinion.

第十五章 附則

15.1 本組織綱要經北美洲台灣商會聯合總會理監事會通過後取代2009 年11 月21 日通過之世台聯合基金會組織章程.
15.1 This Organizational Outline is approved by the Directory and Supervisory Boards of TCCNA and shall replace the Organizational Bylaws of STUF United Fund approved on November 21, 2009.
15.2 本會得依据本會組織綱要及相關法令規定,協助世界台灣商會聯合總會或組織會員 所屬之各國或地區台灣商會,向各國或地區台灣商會所在地辦理加註國名或地區之
世台聯合基金會非盈利組織法人登記.其名稱應於世台聯合基金會后加註國名或地 區,以示區別.惟其會員及董監事之資格應依國家或地區做適當調整.本會組織綱要 所列第七章, 第十二章,第十三章及第十四章必需列入其組織章程,且其宗旨必需 符合第二章所列內含.其董監事必需為無給職之義工.
15.2 The Foundation may, according to the Organizational Outline and relevant regulations, offer assistance to any national or regional Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce to which a Member of WTCC or the Organizational Member belongs, with regard to their efforts to establish and register STUF chapter as legally recognized Non-Profit Organizations in the respective countries or regions. The Non-profit chapters of STUF shall designate in their titles the countries or areas in which they are registered as the basis for differentiation. The qualifications for the membership of the chapters, the Board of Directors, and the
Board of Supervisors shall be determined according to the local laws of the respective countries or regions. The Charters of the individual chapters shall include Articles 7, 12, 13, and 14 of the Organizational Outline of the Foundation, and the founding mission must adopt in principle of Article 2. Their Directors and Supervisors must be non-paid volunteers.
15.3 本會董事會得指定專人協助支援依第15.2 條成立之各國或地區世台聯合基金會之 組織運作. 對違反第15.2 條成立之各國或地區世台聯合基金會, 得予制裁.
15.3 The Board of Directors of this Foundation may designate agents to assist with the operations of the nationwide or regional STUF chapters established per Article 15.2. The board of this organization may impose a sanction upon national or regional STUF chapters that were established but not in compliance to Article 15.2.
15.4 本組織綱要之任何章節若違反美國聯邦或紐約州對非營利組織之法令規則, 該章節 視為無效, 但不影響其他章節之有效性.
15.4 If any item of this Organizational Outline of the Foundation violates US Federal regulations or the regulations of the New York State Not-for-profit organizations, it shall be null and void. However, the validity of other contents in compliance shall not be affected.


第廿五屆北美洲台灣商會聯合總會第2 次理監事會議通過取代第廿二屆通過的組織章程.
第廿七屆通過4.2 條修正案,
第廿八屆通過組織綱要2.1 條中文宗旨修正案
Passed on the 25th Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce of North American (TCCNA) 2nd Board of Directors’ Meeting to replace the Organizational Bylaw of STUF United Fund passed on the 22nd TCCNA Meeting. Mission Statements Amendments in English were approved to be filed with the State of New York on the 26th TCCNA Board of Directors Meeting. Clause 4.2 was amended on the 27th TCCNA Meeting.
2.1 Mission Statements (in Chinese) were amended on the 28th TCCNA Meeting.


本基金會宗旨強調以台商為主體,聯合推動公益、回饋社會;冀望集結各地台 商的力量、有效率地統合和分配慈善資源。藉由推動聯盟組織之間的互助、以及嚴 格謹慎的補助金審查發放,盡力協助海外台商及台僑在慈善救濟、文化教育、環境 保護、公共衛生等公益活動,進而讓捐款者的愛心更深耕、更有影響力!世台相信 聯合的力量,我們的願景就是讓全世界都看得到台灣人的善行!






PO Box 520511 Flushing, NY 11352-0511
